Official conference language and language which contributions are accepted in is English.
  • Exchange of experiences in utilization of advanced ICT for education
  • Development of a multidisciplinary platform for information exchange in research and development of multimedia and hypermedia applications, in a complex computer support of learning and in new telecommunication services
  • Creating of a broad database of future customers and users of the presented services
  • Supporting a collaboration among the users and suppliers of learning solutions
  • Plenary lectures of invited speakers
  • Oral sessions
  • Dialog (poster) sessions
  • Videoconferencing and virtual presentations
  • Panel discussions
  • Exhibition and showcases
  • Politics of educational process in knowledge society
  • Platforms for consensus, comparison, evaluation, and development of politics of education
  • National and European Qualifications Framework
  • Revitalization of higher education and promotion of industry - university collaboration
  • Multinational educational, training, and youth partner programs
  • International projects of innovative teaching and learning
  • Educational structures over crossing country borders - international recognition of qualifications and comparability of qualifications
  • Sharing best practices on intercultural education
  • Education, Research and Globalization
  • Leadership and University Administration
  • Digital Divide and access to the Internet
  • ICT Skills
  • Evaluation of impact of high - speed networks and new generation Internet access on users
  • Experiences with building and operation of emerging broadband communication structures, in particular of high - speed internet for academic sphere
  • Presentations and verification of publicly oriented network applications and systems (e.g. multimedia applications, videoconferencing, IP streamings with elements of Quality of Services)
  • Architectures and design of distributed learning environments
  • Methodologies for www - based courses
  • Multimedia/hypermedia systems
  • Presentation and sharing of knowledge in the implementation and operation of eStrategy
  • Social Networking: Blogs, Wikis, …
  • Educational/Serious Games and Software
  • IT Services Management and Development
  • Security and Data Protection
  • Videos for Learning and Educational Multimedia
  • Animation and 3D Applications
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Learning and Teaching Innovations
  • Advanced classroom applications and technologies
  • m-Learning: mobile applications and technologies
  • Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom
  • e-Tutoring and e-Mentoring
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Building Virtual Communities
  • Agents and agent’s systems
  • Author environment and authoring tools
  • Interactive learning environments
  • Group-ware tools
  • Virtual reality and virtual eLearning infrastructures
  • Quality and efficiency of eLearning
  • Complex eLearning environments and solutions
  • Concepts and modeling of virtual infrastructures: eLearning, e-business, e-medicine, virtual laboratory, virtual university
  • mLearning: blending the web - based training and wireless eLearning
  • Management and engineering of eLearning systems
  • Standardization of eLearning objects
  • Intelligent tutoring
  • Perspectives in security and research
  • Digital Libraries and Repositories
  • User-Generated Content
  • Open Content
  • Learning Analytics
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Building Virtual Communities
  • Plagiarism and Intellectual Property Rights
  • Digital Rights Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Training the e-Trainer
  • Online Assessment
  • Specific courses and designing solution in the countries and institutions
  • Institution - specific cases
  • Virtual universities and university portals
  • Trends in development of new communication technologies and services
  • eLearning and legislation
  • The sustainability of open access in news media and higher education, and the impact of massive open online courses (MOOCs)
  • New Experiences for Curriculum
  • Integration of cross-cultural studies
  • Generic skills and their development
  • Courses, Tutorials and Labs
  • Course management
  • Skill needs of Labour
  • Vocational training
  • Employability issues and trends
  • Language Learning Innovations
  • STEM Education Experiences
  • Pedagogical Methods and Innovations
  • Collaborative and Problem-based Learning
  • Game-based learning and Gamification
  • Academic Advising and Tutoring
  • Assessment of student learning
  • Examination Policies and Grading methods
  • Learning space design: Next generation classroom
  • New challenges for the Higher Education Area


Paper full version (min. 6 pages, for reviewing process) October 1, 2020
Notification about acceptance October 15, 2020
Final paper (final format for publishing in IEEE pproceedings) October 25, 2020
Last information and Final Program November 1, 2020


€ 335
Incl. access to the conference program, IEEE CD ROM proceedings, paper publication in IEEE conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore database, coffee breaks, lunches and welcome party
€ 285
Incl. access to the conference program, IEEE CD ROM proceedings, paper publication in IEEE conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore database, coffee breaks, lunches and welcome party
€ 285
Incl. access to the conference program, IEEE CD ROM proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches and welcome party
€ 145
Incl. access to the conference venue, coffee breaks, lunches and welcome party
Cancellation of registration: In case you need to cancel your participation at the conference, the cancellation must be sent in writing and sent to the Conference Secretariat by fax or e-mail. Refunding of the conference fees (to be returned to the participant) (as per mail stamp or date of your fax or e-mail messages) is not possible after November 1, 2020.
The Organizing committee will not provide participants with an invitation letter on the official form of the alien police for the EU visa purposes. The reason is that such official form assumes organizer (elfa, Ltd.), as the inviting institution, to take all the responsibilites (even financial) for the invited participants. Due to safety reasons, elfa, Ltd. cannot keep such responsibilities for purposes of the ICETA 2020 conference. We ask the registered participants from non-EU countries with a visa obligation to take this limitation into account seriously!


All papers must be presented either in oral session or in poster session. If a paper, included into the proceedings, fails to be presented any way at the conference, papers wont be published in IEEE Xplore database. Pay to publish is not allowed in IEEE.

Before final paper submission authors MUST use IEEE PDF eXpress ( to ensure that the paper is IEEE Xplore compatible. If the paper is not created totally similar to IEEE format and requirements, it will not be included into IEEE Xplore database after the conference. You can find detailed informaton about IEEE PDF eXpress verification process in this PDF. Conference ID is 48886X.

Papers will be check within the context of plagiarity. Accepted papers will be submitted to inclusion into IEEE Xplore Databases, SCOPUS and WoS. If paper plagiarism exceeds 20 percent paper won´t be added to conference program and proceedings. The paper should be original and unpublished. Please, do not copy from other publications, because the paper will be checked by the IEEE plagiarism detection software, and it will indicate if there are copied parts. IEEE takes it very seriously, here are all the details regarding plagiarism. If your paper is not original, not the authors’ own work, or submitted to other conferences or journals, or a copy of another paper, then the paper is removed at once. It is not even allowed to copy from the author’s own paper. ‘Pay to publish’ is not allowed by IEEE, at least one author of the paper must show up and present it at the conference. Conference proceedings papers are double-blind peer reviewed.

For preparing your poster, please follow the instructions in the guidelines and use the following template.



Jakab FrantišekTechnical University of Košice


Mésároš PeterTechnical University of Košice
Molnár ĽudovítSlovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Newman B. HarveyCalifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Rudas ImreÓbuda University, Budapest


Feciľak PeterTechnical University of Košice


Babič FrantišekTechnical University of Košice
Bauer PavolDelft University of Technology
Behún MarcelTechnical University of Kosice
Berke JózsefJohn von Neumann Computer Society
Bours PatrickNorvwegian University of Science and Technology
Cehlár MichalTechnical University of Košice
Chovanec MartinTechnical University of Kosice
Čičák PavolSlovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Čižmár AntonTechnical University of Kosice
Dado MilanUniversity of Žilina
Dávid ÁkosUniversity of Pannonia Hungary
Doboš ĽubomírTechnical University of Košice
Dolnák IvanUniversity of Žilina
Doroshenko AnatoliyInstitute of Software Systems of NASU, Kiev
Drozdová MatildaUniversity of Žilina
Feciľak PeterTechnical University of Kosice
Galgóci GabrielMinistry of Economy of Slovak Republic
Gamcová MáriaTechnical University of Košice
Gavurová BeátaTechnical University of Košice
Genči JánTechnical University of Košice
Haľama MarekTechnical University of Košice
Hämäläinen TimoUniversity of Jyväskylä
Hautamaki JariUniversity of Appl. Science
Hluchý LadislavSlovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Informatics
Horváth PavolSANET - Slovak Academic Network, Bratislava
Huba MikulášSlovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Hudák RadoslavTechnical University of Košice
Hvorecký JozefUniversity of Ostrava
Jelemenská KatarínaSlovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Juhár JozefTechnical University of Košice
Juhás GabrielSlovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Kainz OndrejTechnical University of Kosice
Kess PekkaUniversity of Oulu
Kireš MariánUniversity of Pavol Jozef Šafárik
Klačková IvanaUniversity of Žilina
Klimo MartinUniversity of Žilina
Kotuliak IvanSlovak University of Technology
Kováčiková TatianaCOST Office, Brusel
Kovács LeventeÓbuda University, Budapest
Kyselovič JánSlovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information, Bratislava
Lelovský MárioSlovak IT Association
Lumnitzer ErvinTechnical University of Kosice
Mésároš PeterTechnical University of Košice
Meško DušanJessenius Faculty of Medicine, Martin
Michalko MiroslavTechnical University of Kosice
Modrák VladimírTechnical University of Kosice
Mulesa OksanaUzhorod National University
Mytnyk MykolaTernopil National Ivan Pul`uj Technical University
Nakano HiroshiKumamoto University
Pavlik TomašTechnical University of Košice
Peciar PeterFaculty of Mechanical Engineering STU Bratislava
Pekar AdrianDepartment of Networked Systems and Services, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Pietríková AlenaTechnical University of Kosice
Pišútová KatarínaComenius University
Piteľ JanTechnical University of Košice
Poruban JaroslavTechnical University of Košice
Radács LászlóUniversity of Miskolc
Restivo Maria TeresaUniversity of Porto
Ristvej JozefUniversity of Zilina
Salem Abdel-Badeeh M.Ain Shams University of Cairo
Segeč PavelUniversity of Žilina
Semanišin GabrielUniversity of Pavol Jozef Šafárik
Simonics IstvánObuda University, Budapest
Sinčák PeterTechnical University of Košice
Sobota BranislavTechnical University of Košice
Sovák PavolUniversity of Pavol Jozef Šafárik
Stopjakova VieraSlovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Strémy MaximiliánSlovak University of Technology in Bratislava - Advanced Technologies Research Institute – University Science Park CAMBO, Trnava
Stuchlíková ĽubicaSlovak University of Technology
Šveda DušanUPJŠ Košice
Usawaga TsuyoshiKumamoto University
Vagan TerziyanUniversity of Jyvaskyla
Vasková IvetaTechnical University of Košice
Vokorokos LiberiosTechnical University of Košice
White BeboSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University
Živčák JozefTechnical University of Košice
Zolotová IvetaTechnical University of Košice


Fejedelem Štefanelfa, s.r.o., Košice


Čuntalová Darinaelfa, s.r.o., KošiceSecretary
Rakoci Františekelfa, s.r.o., KošiceWebmaster
Zámečníková Ivetaelfa, s.r.o., KošiceFinance Chair


Conference participants are responsible for making their own hotel arrangements. We recommend the accomodation in the conference venue.
Starý Smokovec
062 01 Vysoké Tatry
phone: +421 44 290 13 39
fax: +421 52 44 22 157
phone: +421 52 47 80 000
fax: +421 52 44 22 157



The official currency in Slovakia is the Euro – EUR.


The Organizing Committee does not accept any liability or responsibility for death, illness or injury to persons or for the loss of, or damage to property or for any financial loss of any person attending the Conference. Participants should make their own arrangements in respects of health and travel insurance.

Post services

The nearest post office is 2 km from the Conference venue, in Tatranska Lomnica.

Credit cards

Visa and MasterCard are the most widely accepted credit cards. The hotels at the conference venue accept payments by credit card. The nearest ATMs are in the cities Poprad, Starý Smokovec, and Tatranska Lomnica.


Smoking in the Conference building is not allowed.

Climate and Weather

In October the weather is getting really cold, foggy and humid. Average temperatures are about 0-2 degrees of Celsius.


The High Tatras Mountains, the pearl of the Slovak countryside, extend over the north of the country. The peaks rise steeply over Liptov, Poprad ans Spiš basin. The main ridge is 26 km long and more than twenty peaks are higher than 2500 m above the sea level. Although its total area is only 260 km2 a very characteristic Alpine world exists there. There are 32 Tatra valleys, all of glacial origin and in most of them there is at least one tarn, called "pleso". It greatly enhances the charm of the wild rocky valleys.

The mountain range is divided into eastern (the High Tatras) and western sections (the West Tatras). The tallest peak is Gerlach, spiking to a summit at 2655 meters above sea level.

The High Tatras offers many facilities for individual tours into valleys, to mountain chalets and peaks along well-marked paths. Good footwear and warm clothes with raincoats are required. There are three main tourist centres in the High Tatras: Starý Smokovec, Tatranská Lomnica, and Štrbské pleso. Each season of the year in the Tatras has its particular spell but autumn, when the conference will be held, is the most delightful season when the weather usually is stable.

Complete information on wide Tatry region

The region of the High Tatras

The High Tatras - Online Guide

Towns and villages close to the High Tatras

Town of the High Tatras

Town Poprad




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