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Streda 12.2.2025 | počet návštev: 2365 prihlasený: '.$x.' - '.$xx.' | odhlásiť ENGLISH | SLOVAK
27. - 29. október 2010, Stará Lesná, Vysoké Tatry


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to thank all participants for their participation in the ICETA 2010 – 8th International Conference on Emerging e-Learning Technologies and Applications. Many interesting conferences are organized in similar fields but during years the series of the ICETA conferences have built a good international reputation and has got a significant place in the ICT & Education world.

Meetings of specialists of any branch of science, especially for those in scientific and technical fields are no longer exceptional. They are becoming common and a natural part of our scientific and teaching life. The conference programme collects contributions on theoretical, practical and methodological aspects of using ICT in education. This year, special attention was paid to the on-going reform of the Educational System in Slovakia and to national educational projects. The main stress was again put on practice and for the first time in history, presentations from several countries based on Telepresence videoconference system were organized.

More than 80 papers were submitted to the conference programme. We would like to express our thanks to members of the International Programme Committee for paper evaluation and for their praiseworthy work done for the success of the Conference.

I believe that the conference was continuing in long year traditions of meetings of scientists, academicians, developers, teachers, engineers and all those who are interested and working in fields connected to the conference topics.

We were trying to create a friendly and creative environment for the Conference and we believe that the participants have enjoyed their stay in our wonderful country.

I am looking forward to meet you at the ICETA 2011 Conference!

Sincerely yours,

Assoc. Prof. Ing. František Jakab, PhD.
ICETA 2010
Program Committee Chairman


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to thank all participants for their participation in the ICETA 2010 – 8th International Conference on Emerging e-Learning Technologies and Applications. Many interesting conferences are organized in similar fields but during years the series of the ICETA conferences have built a good international reputation and has got a significant place in the ICT & Education world.

Meetings of specialists of any branch of science, especially for those in scientific and technical fields are no longer exceptional. They are becoming common and a natural part of our scientific and teaching life. The conference programme collects contributions on theoretical, practical and methodological aspects of using ICT in education. This year, special attention was paid to the on-going reform of the Educational System in Slovakia and to national educational projects. The main stress was again put on practice and for the first time in history, presentations from several countries based on Telepresence videoconference system were organized.

More than 80 papers were submitted to the conference programme. We would like to express our thanks to members of the International Programme Committee for paper evaluation and for their praiseworthy work done for the success of the Conference.

I believe that the conference was continuing in long year traditions of meetings of scientists, academicians, developers, teachers, engineers and all those who are interested and working in fields connected to the conference topics.

We were trying to create a friendly and creative environment for the Conference and we believe that the participants have enjoyed their stay in our wonderful country.

I am looking forward to meet you at the ICETA 2011 Conference!

Sincerely yours,

Assoc. Prof. Ing. František Jakab, PhD.
ICETA 2010
Program Committee Chairman

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