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6th International Conference on Emerging
eLearning Technologies and Applications

September 11 - 13, 2008, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia

11/12th September - Poster Section

The Congress Center ACADEMIA (Hall)
Posters Section Chairman: Miroslav Biňas, Juraj Giertl
Dialogues at posters (contacting authors):
September 11, 2008 from 18.20 to 19.00
Posters will be displayed throughout the whole Conference
1 Implementation of Contact Centre to Healthcare Sector
I. Baroňák, I. Ferenczyová, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
2 IPV6 Security Issues and Considerations. Duplicate Address Detection Mechanism Security Problem.
I. Grellneth, T. Schwandner, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
3 Remote Control of Cell Phone Via Blouetooth Interface by Computer
M. Jurikovič, T. Krajčovič, P. Pištek, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
4 Performance Simulations of ATM Switch Model
M. Kavacký, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
5 Data Communication in the Laboratory Complex for Research and Education Support
S. A. Kiprushkin, N. A. Korolev, S. Yu. Kurskov, V. V. Semin, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
6 Dynamic Granularity Kernighan-Lee Partitioning Algorithm
E. Csókás, P. Čičák, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
7 Knowledge Assessment – Practical Example
J. Genči, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia
8 Interactive Means for Knowledge Testing
M. Paseková, Z. Raška, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic
9 Distributed Gpgpu – Implementation Possibilities
L. Vokorokos, J. Perháč, B. Madoš, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia
10 Three-Dimensional Interfaces of Geographical Information Systems
B. Sobota, Cs. Szabó, J. Perháč, H. Myšková, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia
11 SQL Statement Knowledge Assesment
H. Telepovska, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
12 IMS Learning Design – Individual e-Learning Approach for Each Student
Z. Bizoňová, K. Pilátová, M. Drozdová, University of Žilina, Slovakia
13 P.A.TEST – Modern and Successful Learning Using a Universal and Flexible e-Learning System
R. Ondra, J. Kádárová, Procesná Automatizácia a.s. Košice, Slovakia
14 Remote Controlled Experiments for Learning Programmable Logic Controllers
D. Perduková, V. Fedák, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
15 Matlab Based Remote Control Using Com Object
M. Sedlák, K. Žáková, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
16 Towards a New Approach to Teaching Object Oriented Programming at DCI Technical University of Kosice
I. Adamuščínová, M. Révés, M. Biňas, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
17 Mathematical Education Reform for ICT Students
M. Klimo, K. Bachratá, University of Žilina, Slovakia
18 Mathematical Distance Education and e-Learning
H. Bachratý, K. Bachratá, University of Žilina, Slovakia
19 Linux in Accessible Solutions for Homes of Elderly and Disabled People
M. Biňas, F. Jakab, A. Galajdová, Techical University in Košice, Slovakia
20 3PeTool – Project Proposal Preparation Electronic Tool for EU FP7 Collaborative Research Programme
Z. Brož, Dobřichovice, Czech Republic
21 Assistive Technology and Accessible ICT for Education Support of Students with Disabilities
A. Galajdová, D. Šimšík, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
22 Mobile Education Centre
P. Čičák, K. Jelemenská, B. Dado, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
23 EU-DAIRY: Facilitate the Visibility and Recogition of Professional Qualifications of the Dairy Sector in the EU
M. Hrouska, Czech Agricultural University, Prague
24 Using of Occupational Health and Safety Multimedia Case Studies in Building Industry
M. Kozlovská, Z. Struková, Techical University in Košice, Slovakia
25 Moodle and e-Learning at Communication and Information Systems Department at University of Defence
R. Drmola, M. Mazálková, University of Defence Brno, Czech Republic
26 Development of Video Portal Solutions: Videoserver Platform
M. Michalko, F. Jakab, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia
27 e-Learning at Masaryk University – Outcomes of Fruitful Effort
J. Brandejsová, M. Brandejs, G. Novotný, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
28 The Automatic Lecture
M. Petrík, E. Petríková, Centre of Information and Communication Technologies, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice Slovakia
29 Case Study of Reliability/Item Analysis Of Questionnaire
J. Záhorec, M. Munk, A. Hašková, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
30 e-Learning Support of the Teaching of the Subject Water Structures
M. Zeleňáková, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
31 Improving Quality, Performance, and Cost-Effectiveness of Healthcare Organizations Through the ‘Improhealth’ Web Portal
K. Zgodavová, Ľ. Lengyel, A. Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia
32 Improving e-Learning Satisfaction and Attitude to Work for e-Facilitators and e-Students
M. Gurbski, Academy of Humanities and Economics, Łódź, Poland
33 Educational Portal www.skolaplus.sk
D. Čtvrtníčková, I. Pavlov, Methodological and Pedagogical Centre in Prešov, Slovakia; I. Sivý, F. Jakab, Department of Computers and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
34 Testing the Level of Student Knowledge Using School Web Tests
F. Morvay, LCNA - SOUE in Trnava, Slovak Republic
35 Educational Model for Next Millennium: The System of Career Promotion of Professionals in the Field of Computer Networks Based on Industrial Certificates
F. Jakab, Cisco Systems Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia
Z. Fedáková, elfa, s.r.o., Košice, Slovakia
36 Automation in Knowledge Evaluation Process
P. Feciľak, K. Kleinová, F. Jakab, J. Bača, Technical Unviersity of Košice, Slovakia
37 NetAcad in Hungary
G. Beni, NetAcad, Cisco Systems Hungary
38 Visual Learning: Case Study of Cisco Networking Academy’s Packet Tracer 5.0 Application
J. Janitor, Regional Cisco Networking Academy at Technical University of Košice, Slovakia F. Jakab, Cisco Systems Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia
39 LCNA SPŠE Presov – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
M. Vujčík, Local Cisco Networking Academy at SPŠE Prešov, Slovakia
40 Virtual Laboratory
J. Janitor, M. Nagy, Regional Cisco Networking Academy at Technical University of Košice, Slovakia F. Jakab, Cisco Systems Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia
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